Mood Disorders

Do you feel like your emotions are interfering with your relationships, social activities, or is your emotional state or mood affecting your ability to function? 

You may be suffering from a mood disorder. Mood disorder is the umbrella term coined by healthcare professionals to describe all types of depression and bipolar disorders. The most common types include:

  • Major Depression

  • Dysthymia

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Mood Disorder Related to Other Health Conditions

  • Substance-induced mood disorder

If you suspect that you may have a mood disorder, contact a mental health professional or doctor immediately. If you have close friends, loved ones, or family, reach out to them for additional support. Mood disorders are not temporal. They may get worse over time and may lead to suicidal ideations. Seek help immediately. 

Brain Training and Mood Disorders

One common way of identifying a mood disorder is when your feelings are inconsistent with your current situation. You find yourself unnecessarily sad, and so on. It could be a malfunctioning of your brain’s neurotransmitters. 

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that carry signals or information from one nerve cell to another. For example, dopamine the feel-good neurotransmitter could be disrupted, and impaired resulting in depression or mania.

Brain training is a non-invasive support method that helps the brain develop healthier patterns of activity. Together with psychotherapy and/or medication, brain training can retrain the brain to function normally. 

This drug-free program has proven to be effective in supporting brain function. Contact us today for more information.